The first period on Iranian finding identity
تاريخ : پانزدهم آبان 1387 ساعت 15:23   کد : 222

The first period on Iranian finding identity

The appearance of a question on identity and denying the self

Hosin Kachoyan

Mohammad-Reza javadi-Yeganeh

This article is to examine the first period of Iranian identity discourse, from a three-period category (A period on finding the question on the identity and also denying the self; A period on finding the self or an attempt for rebuilding the self; and a period on finding perfection and achievement the self).

The first period includes the appearance outset of the question about identity or Iranian having problem on the field of self-identity, until the end of the movement on the oil-industry nationalization.

The period itself consists of three parts:

-The identity discourse on intellectualism.

-Dictator-like rebuilding identity of the First Pahlavi.

-The last discussion on Iranian nationalism, in order to form the new Iranian identity in the period after 1941.

In this article, along with, explanation of discourse in this period, other subjects such as the historical condition for the appearance of this period, the main forces forming these elements and details of discourse in this period, and also the fulfillment of that period, in regard to the discussion about different kinds of current discourses, are to be discussed.