The Challenge of Individualism and Collectivism in Sociology
تاريخ : اول آبان 1387 ساعت 11:50   کد : 214

Javadi Yeganeh, M. R. & S. Z. Hashemi (2008) "The Chalenge of Individualism and Collectivism in Sociology" Nameh-ye Olume Ejtemai (Social Science Letter) 33:133-161.

Individualism and collectivism are among determining attitudes which play a fundamental role in the analysis of our actions and social dispositions. This article deals with the concept of social dilemma as a new concept applied to the topic of individualism and collectivism. Social dilemma is a special kind of conflict between the individual and collective interests. If the individual, regardless of others choices, opts for the self interest as the best choice, and if the majority of the individuals opt for self interest, then there would be a situation where everyone is worse off, as compared to a situation where cooperation was adopted. The social dilemma is located in rational choice theory and can be examined through game theory and decision theory. Social dilemma can be defined from two different stand points: internal and external costs, and the prisonersY dilemma. The most important types of social dilemma are common resources and public goods. In this article examples of social dilemma and its definitions are presented. In addition we offer a clear definition which can help us in the analysis of individualistic and collectivist trends in an actual society. The final part includes samples of researches that have applied this concept in social analysis successfully.